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Thanet Offshore Wind Farm

Project Overview:

The Thanet project is being developed under a Crown Estates Round 2 Offshore Wind Farm License. The site is located off the North East Kent coast around 11 km from the nearest landfall at Foreness Point. The project involves the installation of 300 MW of wind turbines which will provide enough electricity for 240,000 average homes.

The electrical system at the site will include a 33 kV sub-sea cable system to connect the wind turbines to an offshore substation for transformation to 132 kV. Connection to the local onshore 132 kV system will be via 132 kV sub-sea cables and an onshore substation. The electrical infrastructure will be critical to the success of the project and must ensure compliance with National Grid and EDF Energy Networks requirement.

Project Involvement to Date:

•  Negotiations with National Grid for grid connection – this included agreeing transmission system reinforcement requirements and Final Sums Liabilities falling to the Thanet project;

•  Negotiation of connection with EDF Energy Networks – including feasibility of options and agreement of site specific arrangements at the connection point;

•  Preparation of functional specification and tender documents for the complete electrical installation;

•  Specifications for the Overall System Design, Onshore and Offshore substations and all necessary transformers, switchgear, reactive compensation equipment, 132 kV and 33 kV cable systems;

•  Assisted in evaluating electrical tenders and selecting preferred electrical contractor.  Providing on-going technical advice and services as the project develops. 

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